Why leaf-blowers set off your nervous system
RSD can look like ‘resentment’ towards the therapist
Raquel Duboisboundaries, trauma, childhood trauma, ego development, self-enquiry, self reflection, rejection, resentment, mistrust, resistance, autonomy, power, disempowerment, nervous system pattern
The problem with catharsis – why dance, breathwork, primal screaming and beating pillows can re-traumatise your nervous system
Visibility and the Nervous System - Your Vagus Nerve is the Key to Clients Finding You
Raquel Duboisnervous system, entrepreneur, motherhood, visibility, vagus nerve, trauma, fight flight freeze, flight response, freeze response, energetic invisibility, embodiment, neuroscience
Why I asked a psychic for help...
Raquel Duboisnervous system regulation, nervous system, nervous system dysregulation, business strategy, niche, sales, sympathetic nervous system, freeze response, nervous system freeze, stress, stress physiology, cortisol, emotional regulation, emotional dysregulation, empath, trauma, trauma therapy, missing piece
Ask this powerful question
Raquel Duboisservice based practitioners, healers, coaches, therapists, trauma, adversity, support, mindset, self compassion, love, connection