Nervous System Expansion Training

and 1:1 Trauma Resolution THERAPY

for neurosensitives, energy healers, coaches, and practitioners.


After years of offering nervous system work, I've narrowed down what gets the best results.

10.5 hours of highly-targeted somatic therapy - three sessions, spread over three days, in the same week.

These 1:1 Brainspotting Intensives incorporate the best somatic techniques in my therapist toolkit and are the fastest pathway to heal trauma that I know.


Brainspotting drills down into the trauma patterns and unconscious beliefs that hold you back.  

It heals encapsulated trauma in the brain, creates new neural pathways and invites curiosity about exploring new patterns.

Then, as your nervous system capacity expands through safety (created by curiosity and healing), you orient toward a new way of Being. A way of being that is genuinely you.


Brainspotting is the main approach taken, but other somatic trauma therapies are also incorporated:

  • Somatic Experiencing

  • Trauma Touchwork

  • Neural Integration Exercises

    (Neural integration helps integrate, embody and process trauma in the body).



Raquel draws upon a range of modalities she has studied to inform her unique approach to trauma healing and nervous system expansion.

dysregulated nervous system - brainspotting


Brainspotting is a powerful, focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing and releasing core sources of emotional pain, trauma and distress. It can relieve body pain associated with unintegrated and dissociated memories from your distant or recent past.

Unlike talk therapy, Brainspotting accesses the deep brain structures where memories are held but cannot be accessed through thinking or remembering. It is deep, direct and powerful, yet also focused and containing.

Brainspotting uses activated eye positions designated as brainspots. Located through either one or both eyes, brainspots are observed by focusing on the client’s inner awareness of their body sensations or by tracking and observing the client’s outer reflexive responses (e.g., blink, eye twitches or wobbles, pupil dilation, breath changes and subtle body behaviour shifts).

somatic experiencing

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing® is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and stress. It is the life’s work of Dr. Peter A. Levine, resulting from his studies in psychology, human physiology, animal behaviour, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics.

SE facilitates the organic release of traumatic shock and re-organisation without forcing, pushing or efforting. It is one of only a few trauma therapies which takes into account the client's threshold so as not to cause re-traumatisation or overwhelm.

SE addresses the root cause of stress and trauma by facilitating the completion of self-protective responses and the release of thwarted survival energy bound in the body. Clients are gently guided to develop tolerance for difficult bodily sensations, suppressed emotions and contracted nervous system states.

somatic touchwork

Somatic Touchwork

Somatic touchwork is a gentle, non-invasive, fully-clothed style of touch therapy to release frozen and stuck states held in the body. 

Everyone’s experience is different, and it’s difficult to put into words, because 'touch' lights up the the place in the brain where there are no words. 

This way of working is the most profound technique I have ever encountered. It is unbelievably sacred and deep. Touchwork supports the release of pre-verbal experiences you may not have any words for (or memory of), but feel as stuck or contracted states in your body.

Both client and practitioner work together noticing sensations in organs, joints, fluids and bones, gradually creating more opening and expansion in the nervous system through the power of energy, attention, intention and touch.


There are many different Brainspotting ‘set-ups’ to access various neurological structures in the brain. We lean into ‘expansion’, explore compulsions and addictions, use gaze-spots to disrupt old patterns.

Physical, emotional and psychological behaviours are revealed, then rewired with Brainspotting.

My intention is to give your mind and body whatever you need so your body remembers how to receive safety, genuine care, and unconditional positive regard.

Over three days, I hold sacred space for you - relax into the safety of being supported while you access deep inner states.

I offer Brainspotting Intensives once per month, 50 minutes north of Brisbane CBD - email me for available dates.


Whether it’s your first time exploring the terrain of your somatic experience, or you’re an experienced traveller, Brainspotting Intensives introduce you to working deeper than somatics and embodiment - at the level of your brain and your nervous system.

If you’d prefer to discuss your options in person, book a FREE co-regulation call and we can work it out together.