Why I asked a psychic for help...


It's rare for me to throw mud at walls hoping something will stick, but I promise you, when I plummeted into 'freeze' after a major life stressor (moving house), I started thinking I had to do ALL the things to increase sales.

Firstly, I was convinced I had to figure out my business strategy and change it. Then I thought I had chosen the wrong niche... Lastly, I thought I needed a new social media strategy. Eventually I emailed all my psychic friends. Seriously! I NEVER do that! I'm so embarrassed.

Even after all the nervous system work I have done, nervous system 'freeze' threw me for a total loop and had me looking outside of myself for the answers why sales had dropped in my business.

Freeze is not my usual nervous system state when I am stressed. Sure, I've been there, but it's not common for me. Normally I get huge surges of sympathetic energy pulsating through my body and find it hard to calm down. I'm genetically prone to over-producing cortisol (thanks Mum/Dad), and it takes me longer than 'normal' people to metabolise that excess cortisol. It can feel downright uncomfortable in my body, and when it's really bad I get a 'dirty' headache. Having the gene which over-produces cortisol is why I was so motivated to learn to master my autonomic nervous system. Because of my genetic predisposition, I used to feel my emotions intensely. I had hot flushes and cold sweats before I could possibly be menopausal (male doctors said menopause was the reason for my cortisol imbalance). I still over-produce cortisol to an extent because that's an expression of my genes, but I don't get sweating or hot flushes anymore, and my emotions don't control me (or scare others!). Until I learned Somatic Experiencing I had to work so hard to regulate against my genetic tendency, but now it's almost freakishly easy to self-regulate. 

If your nervous system is dysregulated because of trauma or a major stressor - even something minorly stressful that's been going on a while - then you need support to restore regulation to your system. I've been trained how to use my nervous system to help others come back to baseline, and I can help my own nervous system come back to regulation after an incomplete fight response. But I couldn’t get out of nervous system freeze on my own. Yes, I was still functioning, but I couldn't make any wise choices. (It takes A LOT to stop me...but I couldn’t walk in 2012 because my nervous system needed me to stop).

It wasn't until I came back to nervous system equilibrium, that my mind was willing to help me figure out the solution (that didn't involve calling a psychic helpline).

psychic help

One of my smartest clients came to her first session saying she wasn't making sales, and she knew the problem was her, but she didn't know what was wrong.

Just like I did for her, I can help you uncover the piece you don't even know is missing.

If you're in business and something isn't working, and you can't figure it out...it's probably trauma stuck in your nervous system.

If you think the problem is your message or your niche, your marketing or your social media strategy, or you're fixated on fixing your website or updating your stationery...or focused on pruning your expenses or making just that one sale this month and then everything will be alright - you're wrong.

Seriously, soulpreneur and CEO, if you're trying ALL the things, and you're pushing and driving yourself to make a sale, or have retreated into self protection mode and are conserving your resources, you need to safely metabolise your unprocessed trauma or else you will keep repelling clients with your dysregulated nervous system, and you won't have a business.

You can choose to do anything if you know how to work with your nervous system. Even the funky unique parts are easy to work with! But if you wait until your nervous system is completely shot, when you can't ask for a sale without your voice going up three octaves (that really happened to my client), you won't have a business to preserve.

In my trauma-informed group program for healers and neuro-sensitives, I teach methods to eliminate overwhelm and rewire patterns of protection, banish procrastination and self-sabotage and metabolize trauma that's holding back neurodivergent practitioners from thriving. All set within a safe container of shamanic wisdom practices.

Expansion Training for Healers is a 10-week group program for just 12 healers and neuro-sensitives - with plenty of individual support.

Doors are now open for the next round of Expansion Training for Healers, starting Tuesday 9th May, 2023.

If you're curious how healing and expanding your nervous system can help you, book a co-regulation call to explore whether this trauma-informed training is for you.