R.E.S.T. Relational Embodiment Somatic Therapy® - Expansion Process model


My Expansion Process model is based on Stephen Porges’ polyvagal theory of the nervous system. I based my unique modality, R.E.S.T. Relational Embodiment Somatic Therapy® on polyvagal therapy training science to guide others in being able to move through fear, rather than taking a ‘push’ approach and getting stuck in it.

As you can see in the diagram below, the right-hand side of the expansion process is where you may inadvertently be training your nervous system to contract. Pushing through fear tends to have the opposite effect than what we think it does.

expansion process


If you try to ‘push’ through the fear you prolong your stay in the fear zone. The longer you stay, the more likely you will get stuck, and end up strategizing to disconnect from the fear by people-pleasing. People-pleasing, (also called “appeasement”), undermines self-confidence and emphasises the urge to seek external validation to feel safe.


If you continue with the ‘push’ approach, you step into the danger zone, where you are governed by your autonomic fight-flight nervous system responses. This means you are (often disproportionately) affected by the opinions of others and can’t make sound business decisions. Weighing up the pros and cons of a situation isn’t possible when the more evolved part of your brain is switched off – which is what happens when you’re in survival mode.


The longer you maintain the ‘push’ approach, the further along the survival spectrum you go. In the life threat zone, your freeze nervous system response is activated and you become completely ‘stuck’. You might end up in a ‘functional freeze’ whereby you continually find excuses and endlessly procrastinate instead of taking intentional and aligned actions in your business.


The Alternative – A Comfort Zone approach

An alternative approach is to gently process the fear that arose in response to the challenge. In this method, there is no push, only allowing yourself (and your nervous system) plenty of time to get acquainted with the fear, and when the activation has calmed down, letting your mind identify possible next steps.


In the comfort zone, you are training your nervous system to generate more comfort in any circumstance, which allows your mind to perceive risks accurately and help you feel safe and in control without the need to control external circumstances.


Moving further along the expansion spectrum, the learning zone is where you are more easily able to acquire new skills, solve problems and face challenges in a more empowered way, and set yourself on the path towards expansion.


Following the ‘comfort zone’ approach, your nervous system is able to do what it is designed to do (generate bodily comfort) and your mind is able to do its job (analyse, be rational, make logical decisions). When aligned, and working collaboratively, they create space for you to explore your soul purpose, set expansive goals, and achieve success in your business.

Growing your capacity through comfort

In a nutshell, your nervous system’s main purpose is to keep you safe, and it does that by prioritising comfort. A focus on comfort, to some people, seems like avoiding conflict or risk. This isn’t necessarily the case. Sitting in a state of comfort invites expansion (which cannot truly happen by taking a ‘push’ approach). When you push, you teach your nervous system to be constantly on edge. Your body will never feel comfortable this way (although your mind might get so used to it that it thinks it is comfortable and disconnects from your body to give you a clue it disagrees).

By generating comfort, your nervous system is actually gifting you more capacity to deal with conflict, risk, or any uncomfortable situation, in a healthy way. Staying in the comfort zone is sustainable and supports you to incrementally expand your nervous system. Incremental, sustainable expansion offers more opportunities for creativity, collaboration, and new ideas in your business. Expansion is more than just growing your business: it’s about creating a fertile ground in which your business can flourish. And this can only be achieved when you’re comfortable and not focused on survival.

Read more about working with clients here.

We are now accepting applications for the second round of R.E.S.T. Relational Embodiment Somatic Therapy® Practitioner Training – request the prospectus.

Sign up for R.E.S.T.® by July 31st, 2023, you’ll receive a bonus 1:1 session. You’ll also be able to upgrade to VIP and receive additional 1:1 sessions at a subsidised rate so you can start your journey straight away.

These 1:1 sessions are hugely transformational and can lead to significant breakthroughs – we can talk about this more when you book a call with me to discuss your participation in the training.

The call is your opportunity to ‘feel’ me out, ask questions and better understand how this program can open the way into something bigger, deeper, greater in your practitioner journey. There will be no selling from me - just honest conversation and generous sharing to help you on your way.

Or if you’re not quite ready to chat yet, start here to find out more.