11:00am AEST (12:00pm AEDT)
December 9, 2020
Have you ever wondered why some issues are harder to shift than others – and realised that it’s because the issue is stored in more than just your body!
Did you know that you carry both resources and shadows of your ancestors in your DNA?
You can harness the power of epigenetics to unlock trauma and initiate healing for yourself and your family line – past, present and future.
In this 75min masterclass, I use a modified family constellations process to guide you to resolve the emotional and psychological baggage which has been rejected by your ancestors and transferred down through your lineage to present time.
WHAT YOU GET in this masterclass:
I share an example of ancestral mapping, and how to track the evolutionary path of trauma within families.
I guide you through an experiential journey with your own family system to get a big picture perspective about a dynamic currently affecting you.
You embody different aspects of the problematic dynamic, and take different family members’ perspectives, so you can understand their relationship with the issue.
You build clarity about your relatives’ perspectives by creating a physical representation of your internal embodied dynamic in the form of a grid or pattern.
You experiment with introducing new elements into your grid so it has a direct healing effect on your family system, and on you.
Help you understand the power of embodiment to heal ancestral trauma.
Initiate resolution for you around your family dynamic.
Offer healing to your lineage around the family pattern.
If the opportunity presents, I will personally support you to hand trauma back through your family line, and ask your ancestors to take an active role in the healing of your lineage.
You may have already heard about the ripple effect of healing your own trauma, but until now it’s been only theory. Through this modified constellations process, you will discover experientially that when you embody change on behalf of your ancestors, it changes more than just you.
Sign up here and you will receive an email with the details to access this masterclass on December 9 at 11:00am AEST (12:00pm AEDT).
A recording will be sent afterwards to everyone who registers.